Rachel Cave is a freelance pattern designer who creates tailored made patterns for a range of surfaces such as: homeware, textiles, fashion fabrics and printed paper products. She has kindly gave me an interview:
What is your specialised area and how long have you been working in this area?
Surface Pattern. I have been working for 6 years now.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
Being able to be creative and design beautiful patterns all day and being my own boss is a real plus.
How would you define your style?
Retro bold floral fresh.
Since you have been a designer what have you found most profitable?
Designing for fashion textiles.
What trade shows do you exhibit your work in?
All major US and European, Including Printsource, Surtex and Indigo.
What are the most orders you have had from a trade shows?
I sell my work through an agent at trade shows. Around 5 patterns are the average.
What trade shows would you recommend?
The major US ones.
What would you say your top tips are after graduating?
Get a really good website showcasing your best work.
What inspires you?
Nature and 60's and 70's design.
What artist's / Designers are you inspired by?
Many from the 50s like Lucienne Day, Marrianne Westman, Peter Hall, and Sanna Anukka.
Since you have become a freelance designer what have you learned?
Companies don't like to pay on time!
Do you have a particular design process?
I work in Illustrator. I always start off with an initial inspiration and the designs just flow from there.
Who is your target market?
Kids/teens with fashion. Older markets with homewares and cards.
Do you advertise?
Rachel Cave has been working as a surface designer for 6 years, her main drive is being her own boss and having the opportunity to be able to create retro, bold, floral, fresh designs all day for fashion textiles. Her patterns are initial designs that she has developed in Illustrator. She would describe her style as 60’s and 70’s being influenced by: Lucienne Day, Marrianne Westman, Peter Hall and Sanna Anukka. The interview has introduced me to a new trade show called ‘Printsource’ in New York, which is all about Surface and Textile Design. Her target market is Kids/teens with fashion and homeware/cards for the older market.