Saturday 19 June 2010

Susan Stockwell

One of my most inspirational textile artist is Susan Stockwell. This is because of the way she uses everyday domestic materials, such as maps, tea bags and paper and she transforms and manipulates these objects and changes peoples proceptions of how materials could be changed into a beauitful and unique garment. The dress above was designed using rice paper and wire. This garment amazed me by the way the dress is simple and plain and leads into a trail of excitement fo gathering. However, the trail ends and starts by claiming up the wall like an infection. Therefore, not only is it a dress but it turns into an installion.

As you can see Above I have taken her influences and designed a dress, entitled 'Candy Dress'.Stockwell has inspirted me by the way she changes people proception on an everyday object. My theme for this dress was the fact that my grandad use to take me to a sweet shop. So I took a photograph of a collection of sweets and printed these images out on white A4 paper then box pleated the images round a dress.