In relating to the first exhibition the second exhibition was similar ‘Eye Candy for the soul’, was an exhibition which involved designers: Tracey McGuiness and Bec Garland, these exhibition there a response by children to their favourite books in a number of ways. As you can see below:
Tracey and Bec have designed a fantasy world and have used the stories to breathe a new life into the hidden treasure that can be found at the bottom of any toy box. The base of this exhibition was to design a learning zone, to stimulate children outside of the class room.

One of my favourite parts about this exhibition was how interactive it is to children, the exhibition was originally laid out by the designers. However, the children were invited to come and play around with the toys in the exhibition, where they had the freedom to come and display the exhibition in a new way and creating a new story to be told.
While touring the ‘Eye Candy for the soul’, our tour guide, wanted us to interactive with the exhibition, therefore, we got put into pairs and was told to guide the other person around the exhibition and while they had their eyes closed. This was a way of exploring other displays what the other liked; we then had to swap over and did the same.
The second exercise we did was to stay in our pairs but this time lead that person around to 3 displays but the person had to have their eyes closed until they were in front of the display after this we then had to tell a story about the three displays.
In reflecting to this tour I found interactive and fun for all ages, for example; as there were quite a few people on the tour, we got to know each other as well as have fun. I also learnt more about the exhibition interacted with other people and heard their views about the work.