For one of my final pieces I have upholstered a stool and made a selection of three cushions. My inspiration for my design was to capture the striking, unsystematic lines of distressed paint work and bringing and a piece of outside within the home. I initially began taking photographs of distressed paint and found the use of dissolvable fabric gave a similar effect to distressed paint work. I originally began photocopying the dissolvable fabric to see the outcome and decided to hand printed the dissolvable fabric on paper, when I did this the outcome was disorganized where it didn’t print correctly and left a large amounts of space and establish that because mudded line it represented my theme of distressed paint.
I later translated my pattern on to a screen and began screen printing, where I experimented with the different types of printing including; discharge, expandex , tie dying as well as exploring colours.
When printing I done a trial by using one colour, however, I thought that one layer of this pattern didn’t represent the texture and appeared to be flat. I decided by combining two colours and layering them on top of each other to give a more in-depth approach. However, I have combined two colours for the cushions and for the stool I used on colour, my reason for this was because I wanted my cushions and stool to be slightly different, this is why I have used colour in the cushions and a just black for the stool.
My colour palette is inspired by my photographs of distressed paint work; I chose these colours as I thought that they were neutral but had a assortment of colour to that would work well together.
In reflection of my work I am happy with the outcome. However, I would like to continue exploring and experimenting with this pattern and upholstery different furniture.