Cutecircuit Is a company that produces wearable technolgy that expresses lights that reacts to your every movement, I came across this company from the channel 4 programm 'home of the future', where there demonstrating what fashion could be like in the future. However, even though I'm not doing fashion I thought that concept was brilliant andthey is no reason why the same process could be demonstarted from interiors.
In relation to this technolgy idea, I decided to experiment with the idea of smart materials such as; UV, water resistant and heat sense lighting using screen printing. I found this process exciting and fasinating with so much ideas its hard to focus.
Another smart material that caught my eye was the water reaction technique material. For example; I have printed the normal screen prigmant on the coaster and overlaid this with the same print which has a water reaction pigment. Therefore when water meets this design the second layer (white) will disappear and when dry it will return. As you can see below I have demonstrated the process within in fig 1 and fig 2.
Fig 1
Fig 2
I have experimental with a smart material heat reaction that I found intriguing. Such as; this pigment changes colour depending on the temperature of the room and thought what would be practical but effective within the interiors environment. I have decided to use coasters that are commonly used within the home to achieve a more dramatic approach then what is on the market already. As before I first printed a normal screen printed pigment and overlaid it with a heat reaction pigment which will result in the second layer of pigment changing colour once the temperature changes or a hot cup is placed on the coaster. I have demonstrated this process though images below in Fig 3 and Fig 4.
Fig 3
Fig 4